
金属系溶融体の粘度測定法(結晶成長を支える高温熱物性計測技術の進展)  [in Japanese] Viscosity Measurement Of Metallic Liquids(Recent Development In Thermophysical Property Measurements Of High-Temperature Melts For Crystal Growth)  [in Japanese]




As viscosity is the most fundamental physical property of the metallic liquids in most industrial processes, many efforts have been made to obtain the reliable and accurate values. In this paper, the detail in the actual viscosity measurement by using oscillating cylinder method for high temperature is described. It was made clear that to use the crucible with higher aspect ratio and the excellent temperature uniformity around the crucible are very important. The viscosities of most metals and semiconductors showed good Arrhenius linearity in discord with previous literature values.

The viscosities and the activation energies of molten metal generally increase with increasing their melting temperatures although molten semiconductors show considerably lower values than typical metals. Furthermore, it was proposed that primary dependence on the isothermal viscosity of mixture melt should be an additivity of logarithmic viscosity and the interaction between the components may be discussed on the deviation from the logarithmic additivity.



Journal of the Japanese Association of Crystal Growth   [List of Volumes]

Journal of the Japanese Association of Crystal Growth 37(2), 107-114, 2010-07  [Table of Contents]

The Japanese Association for Crystal Growth (JACG)

References:  26

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